Exposing The Truth
Posted: Sun Jun 09, 2024 9:25 am
Exposing The Truth
Exposing The Truth - Part I
We are about to embark on a sorry saga, of two individuals whose behaviour has been nothing short of criminal. These individuals, Bert Oosthuizen and Neels Oosthuizen, yes, brothers, dominated a blog site called Why South Africa Sucks (SAS), culminating in its demise, allegedly as a result of the blog owner, Bert Oosthuizen's arrest, as well as the publication of fraudulent pictures purporting to be victims of crime.
ILSA ran an article apologising for any misrepresentation, as regarding the publication of the fake pictures in our earlier article. This was not a particularly scathing attack, merely a piece stating our ethical position. Thereafter, aside from a few comments on alternative media sites, where the pictures continued to be presented as legitimate, the matter was allowed to quietly disappear.
Unfortunately, Bert Oosthuizen and Neels Oosthuizen could not let the issue go. For reasons only known to them, VI was singled out as being responsible for a "vendetta" waged against these two individuals. Moreover, threats were issued to Vanilla Ice and Doberman, which are disclosed below to provide a backdrop for what is about to follow.
As a result thereof ILSA has decided that this struggle will be waged publicly, for all to see and decide. We will gradually be releasing correspondence into the public domain, concerning these two individuals. Be advised that once the material is released, some of it shocking, that matters may take on a life of their own. Doberman and I have sought legal advice, and consulted with the police forces in 3 countries. We will continue to expose these individuals, which will include submissions to all relevant investigating authorities, as well as professional bodies of which they are members. Anybody that has similar tales to tell, are encouraged to forward me their claims for publication and inclusion in a submission to the relevant authorities.
Here follow the threats, that have prompted this action (Red comments are inserted by the author):
"LOL, our Canadian expat hero thinks he is flame proof and untouchable. When the Wall of Shame blog goes up, he's going to have a royal shit fit seeing all his personal details, as well as his rightwing blatherings (Right wing blatherings? I doubt it; but your rant increasingly reflects that of a deluded individual) on ILUVSA posted for all the world to gawk at. His buddy Daubermann would doubtlessly be thrilled to know that he too will be pulled down into the cesspool of public naming and shaming, courtesy of Dr Vanilla Ice..." - Bert Oosthuizen
"Now its fucking war and I am on a mission for vengeance. I don't give a shit what you and all the other advocates advised me - I can no longer shut up and allow my name to be dragged through the mud like this." (I would have thought you would have had the smarts to realise that all of this is of your own doing. But no, you don't have the balls to take it like a man. You have to look for somebody else to blame) - Bert Oosthuizen
"I (we) have nothing left to lose - my identity is all over the internet (Indeed, and that is why I am sure you will be okay with us calling you Bert, hey mate), as well as my physical address and every other detail of my private and business life. Doberman had no qualms approving comments on his blog which accused me of a range of things, including murder (Really? Please provide proof, unless of course that was a Freudian slip) and Christ knows what else (Provide proof). He did however make sure to reject my comments which tried to rebut these lies and false accusations. Now its time for payback." - Bert Oosthuizen
"I've done IP traces on their email accounts and know their physical locations." (Let me help you, Australia and Canada. But I am sure rings a bell. Better yet, how about this. You access the internet using a Telkom ADSL line, you have your own mailserver hosted by SAIX and you run a P4 notebook) - Bert Oosthuizen
"As you know, I have friends and family in the Australian police (Yes, thank you for that. I am sure she will be happy to be associated with you) as well as in Canada's medical fraternity. On top of that, spending a few grand on a private investigation on both these heroes will be a Christmas present to myself. I will leave no stone unturned to find out who these fuckers are, where they live and work, and where their families in SA are located." (Seems you are quite comfortable to repeatedly commit criminal offences, by making online threats) - Bert Oosthuizen
"Once I have all the information, that "Wall of Shame" website will go live. Not on Blogger where they can flag it or get Google / Wordpress to intervene, but on a privately hosted offshore server. The URL and some extracts will be spammed to blogs, websites and the media, just as they did to us." - Bert Oosthuizen
"On top of that, I will make sure that their respective business & professional bodies receive notification of their involvement with LUVSA, as well as the Australian & Canadian media, governments & various other parties." (The rants of a desperate man, trying to intimidate his foe) - Bert Oosthuizen
"Lets see how they like having their personal shit posted all over the net to see. (The difference is, we are innocent. We weren't arrested. You will have an opportunity to defend yourself in court, though) Lets see how they like having their families physical addresses back in SA exposed to the local regime. Lets see how they deal with death threats and strange people casing their families homes, and being publicly named & shamed." - Bert Oosthuizen
"I owe no allegiance or loyalty to any of these cunts - the people who brought us down were our fellow whites, and especially VI & Doberman joined the lynch mob with astounding eagerness. (Especially us? I doubt the investigating officer even knew us, until today. But you have changed that) Lara & Marwinsing are small fry, its taking down & exposing your two former fellow bloggers that will provide me with the most joy." - Bert Oosthuizen
"As you said to me last week - revenge is a dish best served cold. Its now time for payback." (I am sure we will find 5 or 6 offences here) - Bert Oosthuizen
"I know you have family back in SA. I know where in Australia you are. On top of that, I have a rather large network of friends and family now resident in Australia, including my sister in law who is a senior police officer in Brisbane (As you told us before. It won't take long to trace her either). I have good contacts with the international moving companies, as well as various IT companies both here in SA and down under. On top of that, if it costs me R10K or R 20K (Pity it isn't Dollars hey) to get this info, I will pay it with a smile. Same goes for your buddy VI." - Bert Oosthuizen
"So Doberman, your pathetic two-faced platitudes notwithstanding, I will make it my mission to expose YOU, your immediate family in OZ as well as your family in SA to the entire world." - Bert Oosthuizen
"You fucks loved every second of it (No we didn't actually because we haven't done anything. We are about to though), dragging me into the mud and stomping on my face because like the cowards you are, thought or hoped I couldn't fight back. Well surprise! I hope you can take as good as you can give. You've just made an enemy for life." - Bert Oosthuizen
"So brace yourself, bitches. You, Doberman, for being the cunt who allowed his blog to get hijacked (I don't think so. We reported the news as we saw it. You got off lightly. It's okay for you to dish out the kind of vile that you did on SAS, but your God-like ego can't take it though) and turned into a platform to vilify me from, and you Dr Ice boy, for your energetic campaign to backstab me when you thought I was down. Fucking two-faced coward backstabbers. Lets see how Berchenko (Indeed, and I am sure BC would like to hear about Thor, the pictures that were taken, and your and Neels' involvement therein) and Johnstone will rush to your aid now." - Bert Oosthuizen
"I am honestly sorry VI wouldn't let go and quite simply the truth is that by doing so, regrettably VI has caused this and drawn us into it as unwilling participants. Fact." (What are the facts Neels? That I am a loose cannon? We will be publishing everything, and exposing you for being the liar that you are. If anything is missed, you are welcome to produce evidence) - Neels Oosthuizen
"I do not want to upset you but I am afraid that as much as you cannot control VI, I cannot control him - he wont listen to me, as clearly VI chose to ignore your request." (Of course, divide and conquer. The truth is about to speak Neels) - Neels Oosthuizen
Exposing The Truth - Part II
The comments to the earlier article clearly show the depth to which people have been indoctrinated to believe that Bert Oosthuizen somehow was righteous, only traded in the truth and could never stoop to gutter trash standards of a common thug, unless provoked. These are common misperceptions.
I now have the unenviable task of unpacking the truth for all to see. If any of these facts are in dispute, anybody is welcome to submit their evidence. All facts are supported by documented proof, and are in both digital and hard copy.
The following commentary is based on an email exchange that can be found by clicking here. I encourage you to either download, and distribute, or print and refer to it, as you read this article.
The saga surrounding the personal threats, relate to an article written on 28 October. This article was written at the request of Doodler aka Neels Oosthuizen.
His email starts off the chain of events. I quote from the email, "Let me start by saying I'm not trying to get more traffic for the site."
Further on in the email he states, "PLEASE would you do a post regrading the dangers of blacks working for them ...".
No difficulty here. We received the request, we thought it was reasonable, so we obliged. At the same time SAS published a series of pictures (Be advised the document has three pages of warnings. You link to the pictures knowing they are disturbing) that were shocking, to say the least. I thought it would be good to combine the pictures with the article. I therefore left a comment on the SAS site that they needed to be distributed. I received a response from Lone Wolf as follows, "Feel free to distribute". Seems fairly staightforward to me. To view an article on this visit the Ontmaskering blog.
In my naivete, I didn't think to verify the pictures. This was a blog whose apparent stated objective was to expose the truth in South Africa, regardless of how they did it. So I trusted the source. But, given the graphic nature of the pictures, I thought it prudent to host somewhere else, and use a link, so as to not affect the longevity of the blog. As it turns out, the shit hit the fan over the pictures. If I had published to the blog, no doubt it would have been shut down. In my email dated 27 October, I even remark that my hosting account may be terminated. It was; less than 12 hours later and I suspect it was due to Bert Oosthuizen flagging the account.
The pictures were allegedly related to home invasions, and I recalled an article that had been published on SAS some time before, that gave a graphic description of how an invasion plays out. I thought it would be a good idea to run the article again. So I approached Bert Oosthuizen aka UG (Uhuru Guru), via email, and asked if I could get the article. At this stage I didn't know that UG was masquerading as Lone Wolf, given that UG had apparently bowed out from blogging a few months earlier.
Just after I published the afore-mentioned article, you will see that on 27 October, Doodler aka Neels Oosthuizen, thanked us for the effort, described how bad the pictures were that UG added. UG? This was confusing, but also note that there was no suggesion that the pictures were fake. Perhaps, at this point, Doodler didn't know. I doubt it, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt.
The next email is very interesting, and well worth a read. It is from UG, dated 28 October at 3:51AM. This is the first response I got from UG, which linked Lone Wolf to him. Up until this point our relationship had always been cordial and at arms length. I had heard rumours, but again, I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
Notice how he rants on at length about me misappropriating the pictures, enjoying a parasitic relationship, leeching traffic off their efforts and scolding me for not giving SAS credit. This was very bizarre, in light of Doodler's earlier comments about not seeking traffic, about requesting we write an article and given that I had been told I could freely distribute. Moreover, no conditions were stipulated as to there use. Also, why would you want to receive credit for pictures that were so horrific, let alone fraudulent?
Anyway, on 28 October at 08:17AM, I pointed out the obvious to UG and he responded by saying he wasn't aware of the emails from Doodler, but no apology. This was an obvious indication of the type of malevolent and schizophrenic character I was about to deal with.
You will notice, that all correspondence from Doberman and myself, was polite. Nothing was inflammatory.
Doberman took the issue up with Doodler, and Doodler responded on 28 October at 11:14PM. He seemingly apologised, however he was being duplicitous. Also, he justified Bert Oosthuizen's bad behaviour, and suggested that I was in the wrong. This has become Neels Oosthuizen's signature trait, by the way. Shift blame onto somebody else, seek sympathy, but daren't face up to his brother. He is insufficiently endowed with a spine to defend the truth.
On 30 October at 3:18PM UG actually behaved like it was no big deal. Doberman and I discussed their behaviour, and we had decided that they weren't worth the effort, that we would simply cut them off. This apparently infuriated the one with the God-like ego, UG. On 3 November at 01:16PM, he responded to both of us, calling us plagiarising two-faced cunts. It is important to remember this, because the pictures weren't theirs in the first place, they hadn't cited anybody and they turned out to be fraudulent. So it seems that a double standard existed.
This saga only gets better. Wait for episode III.
Exposing The Truth - Part III
Today I was reminded that we have a massive silent majority; to be precise, close to 70,000 visitors per month. If it wasn't for you I would have given up blogging a long time ago. I am convinced that the truth is a redeeming virtue, and South Africa will only move forward once this is embraced. The daily grind of bullshit, is so overwhelming that it slowly erodes what we are prepared to accept. Eventually any old crap passes as truth.
Let's get this odious exposure affair over with; sniping remarks from UG supporters, and those that have no concept of ethics, notwithstanding. The previous articles can be found here and here.
I will terminate this exposure as at 10 November. Everything that transpired thereafter, as well as other evidence, will be kept for another time; including some horrific allegations of gang rape threats and murder. Bert, your threat today did not go unnoticed. You will not be given a platform here; and yes, it does speak volumes that we have allowed BC and Lara to comment. We embrace free speech, but that right is not absolute.
The following commentary makes reference to emails that can be viewed, and downloaded here. These have been published at alternative sites, and are available in hard copy, including exposure of the email headers and routing.
There is a question that begs answering. How did I determine that the pictures were fraudulent? Contrary to what I have been accused of, I received an email on or around 9 November, where it was clear that a retraction was being distributed. This email was sent to a very many people. All it took was to read the damn thing. This retraction can be viewed here. I was stunned, gutted, to discover that some of the pictures were frauds.
It begged a few questions? Why, given that it was public knowledge, were we not approached? Why had SAS not published any retractions or distanced themselves from this oversight? The silence was deafening.
On 10 November I inadvertently sent an email meant for Doberman, to UG (Bert Oosthuizen), referring to a bastard. This prompted a return email from Doodler (Neels Oosthuizen), but it was confusing given that it was addressed to UG.
A bitter exchange of emails ensued. The gist being that I was angry regarding the blatant deception, and Doodler insisting he got the pictures from African Crisis, which I pointed out he didn't. Later he insisted that he was not responsible for having his blog entry edited. Perhaps he was genuinely in the dark, or just stupid. Regardless, he displayed the classic signs of back-peddling, but at the same time used his signature trait, place blame somewhere else. Nevermind that a few weeks later he proclaimed that he was vindicated, that the pictures were "legitimate", based on the strength of a poorly researched and written article at PRAAG, by Joseph Secreve. You will notice I left a few comments, none of which are the hateful, vitriolic outbursts of a mad man, as alluded to by the Ooshuizens'.
An interesting part of the email exchange on 10 November, is that Doodler (Neels) and I managed to hook up on an online chat. This is enclosed in the documents. My position was very clear. Print a retraction and distance yourself, for the sake of credibility. Doodler appeared genuinely shocked, and I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But, it seems, he is also inflicted with the schizophrenic gene; he repeatedly turned on me in the ensuing weeks.
You will see, from the chat, that Neels Oosthuizen categorically stated that SAS would print a retraction. You will also see that he repeatedly apologised, again. Importantly, you will notice that I informed him that I would print a retraction on ILSA. This was not a blindside move, as has been suggested.
Importantly, you will also see that Doodler goes on, ad nauseum, about the fear of being publicly outed. I gave him the assurance that, that was not our intention. Contrast that with the threats from Bert Oosthuizen, where he openly asserts that he seeks to expose us.
Following the chat Doodler issued a few emails, stating again that he would print a retraction, and that nobody was deliberately misled.
NO RETRACTIONS WERE FORTHCOMING. They did not distance themselves from the pictures, and from readers comments, as well as reviews of alternative sites, they allowed the public to believe the pictures were legitimate. This was a massive deception.
ILSA published its retraction on 11 November, entitled Black Swans, Misrepresentation and The Truth.
Neels Oosthuizen, initially was successful at playing the role of the victim of a fraud, but subsequently he was the most vocal detractor of mine, and he was the one that openly claimed vindication, after the PRAAG article.
Over this period, Bert Oosthuizen was surprisingly quiet. The only correspondence from him shows his schizophrenic tendency, that is the wild swings from calm demeanour to wildly outraged. I had no further contact with UG, until the recently flurry of outrageous threats.
The notion that I plastered disparaging remarks all over the internet, are simply not true, and bereft of any evidence. Also, the accusation that I waged a vendetta is, again, not true. I reacted to information, and did what I deemed was right. Doberman and I did have a slight altercation over this issue, largely over how to deal with it, but we have a strong bond and we quickly resolved our dispute. Despite our initial differences, he was always a strong advocate.
Finally, it greatly disturbs me that white South Africans are so quick to accept untruths, when it is one of their own. In other words, we will just lie and cheat to achieve an objective. I don't subscribe that that philosophy. In light of this, I will briefly mention that the new blog (which I will not provide a link to) that rose from the SAS ashes unashamedly promoted the pictures as being legitimate, openly edited my comments, slandered me and openly published other peoples names. I sincerely wish them luck, however with a flawed ethics culture as their foundation, I would advise against becoming a supporter of theirs.
At least 4 of the pictures have, to date, been confirmed as fraudulent. Our struggle against the Oosthuizens' will continue, unabated, in private.
Exposing The Truth - Part I
We are about to embark on a sorry saga, of two individuals whose behaviour has been nothing short of criminal. These individuals, Bert Oosthuizen and Neels Oosthuizen, yes, brothers, dominated a blog site called Why South Africa Sucks (SAS), culminating in its demise, allegedly as a result of the blog owner, Bert Oosthuizen's arrest, as well as the publication of fraudulent pictures purporting to be victims of crime.
ILSA ran an article apologising for any misrepresentation, as regarding the publication of the fake pictures in our earlier article. This was not a particularly scathing attack, merely a piece stating our ethical position. Thereafter, aside from a few comments on alternative media sites, where the pictures continued to be presented as legitimate, the matter was allowed to quietly disappear.
Unfortunately, Bert Oosthuizen and Neels Oosthuizen could not let the issue go. For reasons only known to them, VI was singled out as being responsible for a "vendetta" waged against these two individuals. Moreover, threats were issued to Vanilla Ice and Doberman, which are disclosed below to provide a backdrop for what is about to follow.
As a result thereof ILSA has decided that this struggle will be waged publicly, for all to see and decide. We will gradually be releasing correspondence into the public domain, concerning these two individuals. Be advised that once the material is released, some of it shocking, that matters may take on a life of their own. Doberman and I have sought legal advice, and consulted with the police forces in 3 countries. We will continue to expose these individuals, which will include submissions to all relevant investigating authorities, as well as professional bodies of which they are members. Anybody that has similar tales to tell, are encouraged to forward me their claims for publication and inclusion in a submission to the relevant authorities.
Here follow the threats, that have prompted this action (Red comments are inserted by the author):
"LOL, our Canadian expat hero thinks he is flame proof and untouchable. When the Wall of Shame blog goes up, he's going to have a royal shit fit seeing all his personal details, as well as his rightwing blatherings (Right wing blatherings? I doubt it; but your rant increasingly reflects that of a deluded individual) on ILUVSA posted for all the world to gawk at. His buddy Daubermann would doubtlessly be thrilled to know that he too will be pulled down into the cesspool of public naming and shaming, courtesy of Dr Vanilla Ice..." - Bert Oosthuizen
"Now its fucking war and I am on a mission for vengeance. I don't give a shit what you and all the other advocates advised me - I can no longer shut up and allow my name to be dragged through the mud like this." (I would have thought you would have had the smarts to realise that all of this is of your own doing. But no, you don't have the balls to take it like a man. You have to look for somebody else to blame) - Bert Oosthuizen
"I (we) have nothing left to lose - my identity is all over the internet (Indeed, and that is why I am sure you will be okay with us calling you Bert, hey mate), as well as my physical address and every other detail of my private and business life. Doberman had no qualms approving comments on his blog which accused me of a range of things, including murder (Really? Please provide proof, unless of course that was a Freudian slip) and Christ knows what else (Provide proof). He did however make sure to reject my comments which tried to rebut these lies and false accusations. Now its time for payback." - Bert Oosthuizen
"I've done IP traces on their email accounts and know their physical locations." (Let me help you, Australia and Canada. But I am sure rings a bell. Better yet, how about this. You access the internet using a Telkom ADSL line, you have your own mailserver hosted by SAIX and you run a P4 notebook) - Bert Oosthuizen
"As you know, I have friends and family in the Australian police (Yes, thank you for that. I am sure she will be happy to be associated with you) as well as in Canada's medical fraternity. On top of that, spending a few grand on a private investigation on both these heroes will be a Christmas present to myself. I will leave no stone unturned to find out who these fuckers are, where they live and work, and where their families in SA are located." (Seems you are quite comfortable to repeatedly commit criminal offences, by making online threats) - Bert Oosthuizen
"Once I have all the information, that "Wall of Shame" website will go live. Not on Blogger where they can flag it or get Google / Wordpress to intervene, but on a privately hosted offshore server. The URL and some extracts will be spammed to blogs, websites and the media, just as they did to us." - Bert Oosthuizen
"On top of that, I will make sure that their respective business & professional bodies receive notification of their involvement with LUVSA, as well as the Australian & Canadian media, governments & various other parties." (The rants of a desperate man, trying to intimidate his foe) - Bert Oosthuizen
"Lets see how they like having their personal shit posted all over the net to see. (The difference is, we are innocent. We weren't arrested. You will have an opportunity to defend yourself in court, though) Lets see how they like having their families physical addresses back in SA exposed to the local regime. Lets see how they deal with death threats and strange people casing their families homes, and being publicly named & shamed." - Bert Oosthuizen
"I owe no allegiance or loyalty to any of these cunts - the people who brought us down were our fellow whites, and especially VI & Doberman joined the lynch mob with astounding eagerness. (Especially us? I doubt the investigating officer even knew us, until today. But you have changed that) Lara & Marwinsing are small fry, its taking down & exposing your two former fellow bloggers that will provide me with the most joy." - Bert Oosthuizen
"As you said to me last week - revenge is a dish best served cold. Its now time for payback." (I am sure we will find 5 or 6 offences here) - Bert Oosthuizen
"I know you have family back in SA. I know where in Australia you are. On top of that, I have a rather large network of friends and family now resident in Australia, including my sister in law who is a senior police officer in Brisbane (As you told us before. It won't take long to trace her either). I have good contacts with the international moving companies, as well as various IT companies both here in SA and down under. On top of that, if it costs me R10K or R 20K (Pity it isn't Dollars hey) to get this info, I will pay it with a smile. Same goes for your buddy VI." - Bert Oosthuizen
"So Doberman, your pathetic two-faced platitudes notwithstanding, I will make it my mission to expose YOU, your immediate family in OZ as well as your family in SA to the entire world." - Bert Oosthuizen
"You fucks loved every second of it (No we didn't actually because we haven't done anything. We are about to though), dragging me into the mud and stomping on my face because like the cowards you are, thought or hoped I couldn't fight back. Well surprise! I hope you can take as good as you can give. You've just made an enemy for life." - Bert Oosthuizen
"So brace yourself, bitches. You, Doberman, for being the cunt who allowed his blog to get hijacked (I don't think so. We reported the news as we saw it. You got off lightly. It's okay for you to dish out the kind of vile that you did on SAS, but your God-like ego can't take it though) and turned into a platform to vilify me from, and you Dr Ice boy, for your energetic campaign to backstab me when you thought I was down. Fucking two-faced coward backstabbers. Lets see how Berchenko (Indeed, and I am sure BC would like to hear about Thor, the pictures that were taken, and your and Neels' involvement therein) and Johnstone will rush to your aid now." - Bert Oosthuizen
"I am honestly sorry VI wouldn't let go and quite simply the truth is that by doing so, regrettably VI has caused this and drawn us into it as unwilling participants. Fact." (What are the facts Neels? That I am a loose cannon? We will be publishing everything, and exposing you for being the liar that you are. If anything is missed, you are welcome to produce evidence) - Neels Oosthuizen
"I do not want to upset you but I am afraid that as much as you cannot control VI, I cannot control him - he wont listen to me, as clearly VI chose to ignore your request." (Of course, divide and conquer. The truth is about to speak Neels) - Neels Oosthuizen
Exposing The Truth - Part II
The comments to the earlier article clearly show the depth to which people have been indoctrinated to believe that Bert Oosthuizen somehow was righteous, only traded in the truth and could never stoop to gutter trash standards of a common thug, unless provoked. These are common misperceptions.
I now have the unenviable task of unpacking the truth for all to see. If any of these facts are in dispute, anybody is welcome to submit their evidence. All facts are supported by documented proof, and are in both digital and hard copy.
The following commentary is based on an email exchange that can be found by clicking here. I encourage you to either download, and distribute, or print and refer to it, as you read this article.
The saga surrounding the personal threats, relate to an article written on 28 October. This article was written at the request of Doodler aka Neels Oosthuizen.
His email starts off the chain of events. I quote from the email, "Let me start by saying I'm not trying to get more traffic for the site."
Further on in the email he states, "PLEASE would you do a post regrading the dangers of blacks working for them ...".
No difficulty here. We received the request, we thought it was reasonable, so we obliged. At the same time SAS published a series of pictures (Be advised the document has three pages of warnings. You link to the pictures knowing they are disturbing) that were shocking, to say the least. I thought it would be good to combine the pictures with the article. I therefore left a comment on the SAS site that they needed to be distributed. I received a response from Lone Wolf as follows, "Feel free to distribute". Seems fairly staightforward to me. To view an article on this visit the Ontmaskering blog.
In my naivete, I didn't think to verify the pictures. This was a blog whose apparent stated objective was to expose the truth in South Africa, regardless of how they did it. So I trusted the source. But, given the graphic nature of the pictures, I thought it prudent to host somewhere else, and use a link, so as to not affect the longevity of the blog. As it turns out, the shit hit the fan over the pictures. If I had published to the blog, no doubt it would have been shut down. In my email dated 27 October, I even remark that my hosting account may be terminated. It was; less than 12 hours later and I suspect it was due to Bert Oosthuizen flagging the account.
The pictures were allegedly related to home invasions, and I recalled an article that had been published on SAS some time before, that gave a graphic description of how an invasion plays out. I thought it would be a good idea to run the article again. So I approached Bert Oosthuizen aka UG (Uhuru Guru), via email, and asked if I could get the article. At this stage I didn't know that UG was masquerading as Lone Wolf, given that UG had apparently bowed out from blogging a few months earlier.
Just after I published the afore-mentioned article, you will see that on 27 October, Doodler aka Neels Oosthuizen, thanked us for the effort, described how bad the pictures were that UG added. UG? This was confusing, but also note that there was no suggesion that the pictures were fake. Perhaps, at this point, Doodler didn't know. I doubt it, but let's give him the benefit of the doubt.
The next email is very interesting, and well worth a read. It is from UG, dated 28 October at 3:51AM. This is the first response I got from UG, which linked Lone Wolf to him. Up until this point our relationship had always been cordial and at arms length. I had heard rumours, but again, I gave him the benefit of the doubt.
Notice how he rants on at length about me misappropriating the pictures, enjoying a parasitic relationship, leeching traffic off their efforts and scolding me for not giving SAS credit. This was very bizarre, in light of Doodler's earlier comments about not seeking traffic, about requesting we write an article and given that I had been told I could freely distribute. Moreover, no conditions were stipulated as to there use. Also, why would you want to receive credit for pictures that were so horrific, let alone fraudulent?
Anyway, on 28 October at 08:17AM, I pointed out the obvious to UG and he responded by saying he wasn't aware of the emails from Doodler, but no apology. This was an obvious indication of the type of malevolent and schizophrenic character I was about to deal with.
You will notice, that all correspondence from Doberman and myself, was polite. Nothing was inflammatory.
Doberman took the issue up with Doodler, and Doodler responded on 28 October at 11:14PM. He seemingly apologised, however he was being duplicitous. Also, he justified Bert Oosthuizen's bad behaviour, and suggested that I was in the wrong. This has become Neels Oosthuizen's signature trait, by the way. Shift blame onto somebody else, seek sympathy, but daren't face up to his brother. He is insufficiently endowed with a spine to defend the truth.
On 30 October at 3:18PM UG actually behaved like it was no big deal. Doberman and I discussed their behaviour, and we had decided that they weren't worth the effort, that we would simply cut them off. This apparently infuriated the one with the God-like ego, UG. On 3 November at 01:16PM, he responded to both of us, calling us plagiarising two-faced cunts. It is important to remember this, because the pictures weren't theirs in the first place, they hadn't cited anybody and they turned out to be fraudulent. So it seems that a double standard existed.
This saga only gets better. Wait for episode III.
Exposing The Truth - Part III
Today I was reminded that we have a massive silent majority; to be precise, close to 70,000 visitors per month. If it wasn't for you I would have given up blogging a long time ago. I am convinced that the truth is a redeeming virtue, and South Africa will only move forward once this is embraced. The daily grind of bullshit, is so overwhelming that it slowly erodes what we are prepared to accept. Eventually any old crap passes as truth.
Let's get this odious exposure affair over with; sniping remarks from UG supporters, and those that have no concept of ethics, notwithstanding. The previous articles can be found here and here.
I will terminate this exposure as at 10 November. Everything that transpired thereafter, as well as other evidence, will be kept for another time; including some horrific allegations of gang rape threats and murder. Bert, your threat today did not go unnoticed. You will not be given a platform here; and yes, it does speak volumes that we have allowed BC and Lara to comment. We embrace free speech, but that right is not absolute.
The following commentary makes reference to emails that can be viewed, and downloaded here. These have been published at alternative sites, and are available in hard copy, including exposure of the email headers and routing.
There is a question that begs answering. How did I determine that the pictures were fraudulent? Contrary to what I have been accused of, I received an email on or around 9 November, where it was clear that a retraction was being distributed. This email was sent to a very many people. All it took was to read the damn thing. This retraction can be viewed here. I was stunned, gutted, to discover that some of the pictures were frauds.
It begged a few questions? Why, given that it was public knowledge, were we not approached? Why had SAS not published any retractions or distanced themselves from this oversight? The silence was deafening.
On 10 November I inadvertently sent an email meant for Doberman, to UG (Bert Oosthuizen), referring to a bastard. This prompted a return email from Doodler (Neels Oosthuizen), but it was confusing given that it was addressed to UG.
A bitter exchange of emails ensued. The gist being that I was angry regarding the blatant deception, and Doodler insisting he got the pictures from African Crisis, which I pointed out he didn't. Later he insisted that he was not responsible for having his blog entry edited. Perhaps he was genuinely in the dark, or just stupid. Regardless, he displayed the classic signs of back-peddling, but at the same time used his signature trait, place blame somewhere else. Nevermind that a few weeks later he proclaimed that he was vindicated, that the pictures were "legitimate", based on the strength of a poorly researched and written article at PRAAG, by Joseph Secreve. You will notice I left a few comments, none of which are the hateful, vitriolic outbursts of a mad man, as alluded to by the Ooshuizens'.
An interesting part of the email exchange on 10 November, is that Doodler (Neels) and I managed to hook up on an online chat. This is enclosed in the documents. My position was very clear. Print a retraction and distance yourself, for the sake of credibility. Doodler appeared genuinely shocked, and I gave him the benefit of the doubt. But, it seems, he is also inflicted with the schizophrenic gene; he repeatedly turned on me in the ensuing weeks.
You will see, from the chat, that Neels Oosthuizen categorically stated that SAS would print a retraction. You will also see that he repeatedly apologised, again. Importantly, you will notice that I informed him that I would print a retraction on ILSA. This was not a blindside move, as has been suggested.
Importantly, you will also see that Doodler goes on, ad nauseum, about the fear of being publicly outed. I gave him the assurance that, that was not our intention. Contrast that with the threats from Bert Oosthuizen, where he openly asserts that he seeks to expose us.
Following the chat Doodler issued a few emails, stating again that he would print a retraction, and that nobody was deliberately misled.
NO RETRACTIONS WERE FORTHCOMING. They did not distance themselves from the pictures, and from readers comments, as well as reviews of alternative sites, they allowed the public to believe the pictures were legitimate. This was a massive deception.
ILSA published its retraction on 11 November, entitled Black Swans, Misrepresentation and The Truth.
Neels Oosthuizen, initially was successful at playing the role of the victim of a fraud, but subsequently he was the most vocal detractor of mine, and he was the one that openly claimed vindication, after the PRAAG article.
Over this period, Bert Oosthuizen was surprisingly quiet. The only correspondence from him shows his schizophrenic tendency, that is the wild swings from calm demeanour to wildly outraged. I had no further contact with UG, until the recently flurry of outrageous threats.
The notion that I plastered disparaging remarks all over the internet, are simply not true, and bereft of any evidence. Also, the accusation that I waged a vendetta is, again, not true. I reacted to information, and did what I deemed was right. Doberman and I did have a slight altercation over this issue, largely over how to deal with it, but we have a strong bond and we quickly resolved our dispute. Despite our initial differences, he was always a strong advocate.
Finally, it greatly disturbs me that white South Africans are so quick to accept untruths, when it is one of their own. In other words, we will just lie and cheat to achieve an objective. I don't subscribe that that philosophy. In light of this, I will briefly mention that the new blog (which I will not provide a link to) that rose from the SAS ashes unashamedly promoted the pictures as being legitimate, openly edited my comments, slandered me and openly published other peoples names. I sincerely wish them luck, however with a flawed ethics culture as their foundation, I would advise against becoming a supporter of theirs.
At least 4 of the pictures have, to date, been confirmed as fraudulent. Our struggle against the Oosthuizens' will continue, unabated, in private.